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Colorado Public Radio logo. Support local news and music for the year ahead. Give today.

Truth matters. More than ever. Your gift today will ensure that CPR remains a source of fact-based, local and international reporting that impacts lives in the year ahead, while providing music exploration that brings joy and helps unite.

We can’t do it without you. Donate now.

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Donation Details
Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
Thank-You Gift
Payment Information
I authorize CPR to electronically debit my account in the amount of on the agreed upon schedule. I understand that a recovery fee may be charged if the payment is dishonored or returned for any reason and that it is my responsibility to retain a copy of this authorization for my records. This authority will remain in effect until CPR has received notice to cancel the donation.
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Network Partners contribute $100 or more each month and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that their generosity provides amplified support of CPR's mission and vision, ensuring the future of Colorado Public Radio. Learn more

Evergreen Members give us a dependable base of support. Plus they help save time, fees and paper, meaning more of your gift will go directly to support the CPR programs you love.